The Questionnaire That Helped Set the Stage for Synod

Answers Included in Working Document

VATICAN CITY, SEPT. 30, 2001 ( In preparation for the Synod of Bishops that opened today, the questionnaire below was included in the "lineamenta," or outline, sent to all episcopal conferences, dioceses and religious congregations worldwide in 1998.

The answers were included in the working document that constitutes the basis for the 10th Ordinary General Assembly of the synod, which runs through Oct. 27. The topic for reflection is "The Bishop: Servant of the Gospel of Jesus Christ for the Hope of the World."


Chapter I

1. What importance does the bishop give to his duty of proclaiming the Gospel? Is such a duty seen as a priority? Do other duties distract from it? Which factors create difficulty in the bishops' mission of evangelization? Which assist it?

2. What prevailing idea do the people have of the mission of the bishop? Does the people's idea of the bishop's mission coincide with that which the bishop has?

3. How do the people react to the teaching of the bishop concerning questions of faith and morals? Is there a distinction made between the teaching of the bishop and that of the Pope?

4. Describe the relationship between the bishops and theologians: one of mutual respect? of collaboration in proclaiming the Gospel? of mistrust? of disagreement? In what areas?

5. What challenges do the socio-cultural elements in society pose to the ministry of the Bishop, in particular concerning the proclamation of the Gospel? How does the Bishop respond to these challenges? What circumstances favour this proclamation? What circumstances create obstacles?

Chapter II

6. How is the Bishop's relationship with the presbyterate and with individual priests, especially in relation to the proclamation of the faith? What should be the bishop's primary concerns in this matter?

7. How is the Bishop's relationship with institutes of consecrated life, particularly with regard to proclaiming the faith: catechetics, the teachings of the Magisterium, etc.?

8. Does the Bishop support the laity in their proclamation of the Gospel in the secular order? How does the bishop understand the contribution to evangelization provided by the laity, by associations of the faithful, by ecclesial movements?

9. How does the Bishop express his communion with the Roman Pontiff? Does the Bishop feel supported by the Holy See? In what ways does the Bishop collaborate in the ministry of the Successor of St. Peter through upholding the true faith, Church discipline and the new evangelization?

10. How is the Bishop's relationship with other bishops: in the Universal Church? in the Episcopal Conference? with neighboring bishops? Does the Bishop feel supported by his brothers in the episcopate?

Chapters III and IV

11. With what attention, what spirit of faith and love does the Bishop proclaim the Word of God in the context of present-day socio-cultural situations?

12. In what ways does the Bishop take advantage and adopt the means of social communication, so that they might truly be a vehicle in service to spreading the Word of God?

13.How does the Bishop consider his sacramental office as a proclamation of the Gospel of Hope? What are the priorities?

14. How does the Bishop consider his office of governing as a proclamation of the Gospel of hope? What are the concrete difficulties in this area?

15. Does the Bishop feel himself responsible for the mission ad gentes to all the world? In what way? Does he involve his diocese in this?

16. In what concrete ways does the bishop commit himself to ecumenical dialogue, inter-religious dialogue and dialogue with civil society, in keeping with the proclamation of the Gospel?

17. Does the bishop feel that human promotion and the promotion of a person's dignity and rights is a proclamation of Gospel hope? How?

18. Does the bishop have the proclamation of the Person of Christ at the center of all his ministry?

Chapter IV

19. What is the unifying point in the spirituality of the Bishop, serving in a concrete way as the basis for his relationship with God and the realities around him?

20. What concrete initiatives favour the Bishop's spiritual union, first with his priests and deacons, and then with women and men in consecrated life and the laity, especially those in Church associations and ecclesial foundations?

21. What possible suggestions can be given to help the Bishop grow in his spiritual life? At the beginning of his ministry? Over the years?

22. What Bishop-Saints can be taken as models by the Bishop to nourish his own spirituality?


23. What other important points related to the designated topic might merit attention and reflection at the Synod?

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome
30. september 2001

av Webmaster publisert 02.10.2001, sist endret 02.10.2001 - 18:39