Martyrdom on Home Turf a Possibility Today, Cardinal Warns

Urges Bishops to Be Ministers of Reconciliation and Forgiveness

VATICAN CITY, OCT. 2, 2001 ( Bishops in the 21st century might be called to martyrdom, not only in places where there is religious persecution, but in countries that are primarily Catholic, such as Colombia, the archbishop of Bogota says.

Cardinal Pedro Rubiano Saenz, who is also primate of Colombia, delivered that message Monday when he addressed the General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops under way in Rome.

"The scourge of guerrilla warfare and drug trafficking has put the Church in Colombia in a permanent situation of conflict, so that for many the ministry has become so difficult that it seems to be impracticable," he said as he began his address.

"Evangelization thus implies a vocation to martyrdom and, in fact, we have a long list of martyrs: a bishop murdered by a guerrilla group, another kidnapped twice; others have been threatened; and priests, religious and pastoral agents have died in terrorist attacks or in crimes that [remain] unpunished," the cardinal continued.

He pointed to a May 30, 1999, attack by a group of guerrillas against a parish church, The Sweet Name of Mary, in the residential neighborhood of Pance, and kidnapped more than 140 Mass-goers.

The guerrillas hold two priests captive, the cardinal revealed.

In such a situation of conflict, "the bishop appears as a sign of hope and reconciliation, and a witness of the Gospel in accompanying the people entrusted to him," Cardinal Rubiano Saenz explained.

The Bogota archbishop went further and asked bishops to be a "brave and credible sign and witness who animates all those whose hope is weakened by violence and kidnapping, overcoming the traditional model of the episcopate to be converted into a companion along the path."

He continued: "Massacres and destruction among defenseless populations have multiplied, generating a massive exodus; in these cases, the bishop must be near those affected and, as a sign of hope, must make the voice of his community heard before those responsible for these crimes.

"The bishop, as witness of hope, must proclaim the truth with courage and clarity, defend life, promote human rights. He must not use the weapons of the mercenary, but those of the Good Shepherd; thus, in an area of conflict, he is the minister par excellence of reconciliation and forgiveness, who perseveres in Christian love, who loves his enemies, and forgives those who persecute us."

In conclusion, the Colombian cardinal said: "We must be witnesses to the merciful love of the Father who, in Christ, gives us the absolute assurance of triumphing over evil; we must be docile to the Holy Spirit, who transforms us into instruments of peace and reconciliation."

Zenit - The World Seen From Rome
2. oktober 2001

av Webmaster publisert 03.10.2001, sist endret 03.10.2001 - 10:09