De tre ansvarlige ordenssøstre fra Regina Pacis |
Etter mottaksseremonien på Ammans internasjonale flyplass Queen Alia, besøkte Pave Benedikt Regina Pacis fredssenter, noen minutter utenfor Amman sentrum.
Regina Pacis er et katolskdrevet senter som jobber for å hjelpe kristne og muslimske familier med handikappede barn, både gjennom praktisk og holdningsskapende arbeid. Den hellige far uttalte:
"I know that the journeys that have led many of you to the "Regina Pacis" Centre have been marked by suffering or trial. Some of you struggle courageously with disabilities, others of you have endured rejection, and some of you are drawn to this place of peace simply for encouragement and support. Of particular importance, I know, is the Centre's great success in promoting the rightful place of the disabled in society and in ensuring that suitable training and opportunities are provided to facilitate such integration. For this foresight and determination you all deserve great praise and encouragement!"
I sin tale henvendte Paven seg også direkte til Jordans unge:
"Dear young friends, to you in particular I wish to say that standing in your midst I draw strength from God. Your experience of trials, your witness to compassion, and your determination to overcome the obstacles you encounter, encourage me in the belief that suffering can bring about change for the good. In our own trials, and standing alongside others in their struggles, we glimpse the essence of our humanity, we become, as it were, more human. And we come to learn that, on another plane, even hearts hardened by cynicism or injustice or unwillingness to forgive are never beyond the reach of God, can always be opened to a new way of being, a vision of peace."
Etter talen velsignet Paven handikappede og andre representanter fra senteret, som overrakte en rekke gaver til Den hellige far. Jubelen sto i taket da to unge la et klassisk arabisk skjerf rundt Pavens hals.
- Les hele talen på Vatikanradioens nettsted
- Regina Pacis: Peace of Our Lady for the Disabled (
KI - Katolsk Informasjonstjeneste (Oslo) (8. mai 2009)