PAUL, Antonine Jeevendra O.M.I, født 13. september 1955 i Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
Entered minor Seminary St. Joseph’s OMI Seminary Colombuthurai 20 January 1970. Joined the OMI Religious Congregation by making First vows in OMI Congregation 8 September 1978, at Sacred Heart Novitiate, Bandarawela, Sri Lanka. Priestly Ordination 27, July 1982, at Christ the King Church, Jaffna by Rt. Rev. Dr. B. Deogupillai.
Dip. Philosophy, Oblate College of Philosophy, Colombo, Sri Lanka. Bachelor in Theology at the National Seminary, Kandy and the certificate granted by University of Urbaniana, Rome. Master in Philosophy at University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. Visiting Lecturer in Sacred Scriptures, Christian Civilizations at the Department of Christian Civilization in the Jaffna State University 1991–2004. Visiting Lecturer in Biblical and Dogmatic Theology at St. Xavier’s Major Seminary, Jaffna 1993–2005.
Acting Pastor in Delft 1982–1983. Preaching ministry 1983–1986. Superior and preaching ministry 1988–1992. Catholic Chaplain at the Teaching Hospital in Jaffna 1986–1987. Rector of St Joseph’s OMI Seminary 1993–1997. Superior Scholasticate 1997–1998. Administration as Provincial Superior of the OMI Jaffna Province of Sri Lanka 1999–2005. Grant Director of the OMI General Administration, Rome, Italy 2005–2013.
Kom til Norge på sabbatsår 1. august 2014.
1. august 2014 – 9. mars 2016
I Norge på sabbatsår fra sin ordensprovins i Sri Lanka. Skal arbeide blandt tamiler og engelsktalende i OKB.
Flyttet til Australia 9. mars 2016.