Etter en rekke av biografiene er det oppgitt en forkortelse som angir (hoved-)kilden(e) for kortbiografiene. Her er en oversikt over kildene:
Abbaye Saint Benoît
Abbaye Saint Benoît de Port-Valais, et sveitsisk (fransk) benediktinsk nettsted
p. Alessandro da Ripabottoni OFMCap (1920-2002): Padre Pio of Pietrelcina. A Biographical Profile, Edizioni Padre Pio da Pietrelcina, 2007
Renzo Allegri (f. 1934): Padre Pio, un santo tra noi, Mondadori, Milano 1998
Prof. dr. Gerd Althoff (f. 1943): Otto III, Darmstadt 1996, engelsk oversettelse: Pennsylvania State University Press 2003 (
George M. Anderson SJ: With Christ in Prison. Jesuits in Jail from St. Ignatius to the Present. Fordham University Press, New York 2000
Anstruther (1)
Godfrey Anstruther O.P.: The Seminary Priests, A Dictionary of the Secular Clergy of England and Wales 1558-1850. Volume 1: Elizabethan 1558-1603. St. Edmund's College, Ware and Ushaw College, Durham 1968.
Anstruther (2)
Godfrey Anstruther O.P.: The Seminary Priests, A Dictionary of the Secular Clergy of England and Wales 1558-1850. Volume 2: Early Stuarts 1603-1659. Mayhew-McCrimmon, Great Wakering 1975.
Anstruther (3)
Godfrey Anstruther O.P.: The Seminary Priests, A Dictionary of the Secular Clergy of England and Wales 1558-1850. Volume 3: 1660-1715. Mayhew-McCrimmon, Great Wakering 1976.
Anstruther (4)
Godfrey Anstruther O.P.: The Seminary Priests, A Dictionary of the Secular Clergy of England and Wales 1558-1850. Volume 4: 1716-1800. Mayhew-McCrimmon, Great Wakering 1977.
Fernando Aporta OP: Epistolario. Santo Domingo de Henares Zafra, San Esteban Editorial, Salamanca (1998)
Hefte om Den salige Diégo Luis de San Vitores av p. Catalino G. Arevalo SJ, utgitt av Office for Publications of the Archdiocese of Manila (1998).
Donald Attwater: The Penguin Dictionary of Saints, Penguin Books 1965 (3. opplag 1970)
Donald Attwater with John Cumming: A New Dictionary of Saints. Burns and Oates 1993
Attwater DK
Donald Attwater: The Penguin Dictionary of Saints, 2 utg (1988). Dansk oversettelse (i utvalg), Katolsk Forlag, København 1989.
Donald Attwater with Catherine Rachel John: The Penguin Dictionary of Saints, Third edition. Penguin Books 1995
Herleik Baklid: «Mindre lokale bondehelgener havde vi ogsaa.. .». Om lokale helgener og lokale hellige personer i Numedal, Telemark og Agder, Heimen bd. 32 1995
Ball (1)
Ann Ball: Modern Saints. Their Lives and Faces (Book One). Tan Books and Publishers, Inc, Rockford, Illinois, USA 1983.
Ball (2)
Ann Ball: Modern Saints. Their Lives and Faces (Book Two). Tan Books and Publishers, Inc, Rockford, Illinois, USA 1990
Ball (3)
Ann Ball: Faces of Holiness. Modern saints in photos and words. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, Huntingdon, Indiana, USA 1998
Ball (4)
Ann Ball: Faces of Holiness II. Modern saints in photos and words. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, Huntingdon, Indiana, USA 2001
Ball (5)
Ann Ball: Young Faces of Holiness. Modern saints in photos and words. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, Huntingdon, Indiana, USA 2004
Ball (6)
Ann Ball: Encyclopedia of Catholic Devotions and Practices. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, Huntingdon, Indiana, USA 2003
Baring-Gould (1-8)
Sabine Baring-Gould and John Fisher: Lives of the British Saints. Facsimile reprint of the 1907-1914, 4-volume edition, in eight parts. Llanerch Publishers, Felinfach 2000
Baring-Gould (1/16)
Sabine Baring-Gould: The Lives of the Saints. New Edition in 16 Volumes, Volume the First: January, London, John C. Nimmo, 1897
Baring-Gould (4/16)
Sabine Baring-Gould: The Lives of the Saints. New Edition in 16 Volumes, Volume the Fourth: April, London, John C. Nimmo, 1897
Baring-Gould (6/16)
Sabine Baring-Gould: The Lives of the Saints. New Edition in 16 Volumes, Volume the Sixth: June, London, John C. Nimmo, 1898
Baring-Gould (9/16)
Sabine Baring-Gould: The Lives of the Saints. New Edition in 16 Volumes, Volume the Ninth: August, London, John C. Nimmo, 1898
Baring-Gould (13/16)
Sabine Baring-Gould: The Lives of the Saints. New Edition in 16 Volumes, Volume the Thirteenth: November, London, John C. Nimmo, 1898
Baring-Gould (1872)
Sabine Baring-Gould: The Lives of the Saints. London, John Hodges 1872-77
Mark Bartusis, Khalifa Ben Nasser og Angeliki E. Laiou (New Brunswick NJ): Days and Deeds of a Hesychast Saint: A Translation of the Greek Life of Saint Romylos. Byzantine Studies/Etudes Byzantines, 9:1 (1982), pp 24-47 (
Biographisch-Bibliographisches Kirchenlexikon, Verlag Traugott Bautz
Anglernes kirkes historie. Oversatt av Else Schjøth. Aschehoug, Oslo (Thorleif Dahls Kulturbibliotek), 1979.
A History of the English Church and People. Translated and with an introduction by Leo Sherley-Price. Penguin Classics 1955. Reprinted with revisions 1965.
The Book of Saints. A Dictionary of Servants of God canonized by the Catholic Church. Compiled by the Benedictine monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate. Sixth edition, entirely revised and re-set. Cassell 1989, reprint 1994.
Benedictines (2)
The Book of Saints. A Comprehensive Biographical Dictionary. Edited by Dom Basil Watkins, OSB on behalf of the Benedictine monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate. Seventh edition, entirely revised and reset. A&C Black, London 2002.
Benedictines (3)
The Book of Saints. A Comprehensive Biographical Dictionary. Edited by Dom Basil Watkins, OSB on behalf of the Benedictine monks of St. Augustine's Abbey, Ramsgate. Eight edition, entirely revised and reset. Bloomsbury T&T Clark, London 2016.
Benedikt XVI: Kirkefedrene
Pave Benedikt XVI: Kirkefedrene – fra Klemens av Roma til Augustin, Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2008, St. Olav forlag 2010, oversatt av Maria Junttila Sammut
James Bentley: A calendar of Saints. Little, Brown and company, London 1986 (reprint 1994)
Blaauw, W. H., “On the translation of Saint Lewinna from Seaford, in 1058” (5 May 1847), Sussex Archaeological Collections
Martyrs of Vietnam. Saint Andrew Dung Lac, Jean-Théophane Vénard and their companions. Bob Bloomfield. CTS Publications, London 1995.
Joanna Bogle: Courage and Conviction. Pius XII, the Bridettine nuns, and the rescue of Jews. Mother Riccarda Hambrough and Mother Katherine Flanagan, Gracewing, Leominster, UK, 2013.
Fr. Henry Sebastian Bowden, C.O.: Mementoes of the English Martyrs and Confessors, 1910.
Dr. Malcolm Brennan: Martyrs of the English Reformation, Angelus Press, Kansas City 1991
Joseph Brusher SJ: Popes Through the Ages. Electronic version 1996 (Internett)
Matthew Bunson, Margaret Bunson & Stephen Bunson: Our Sunday Visitor Encyclopedia of Saints, Our Sunday Visitor Inc, Huntingdon, Indiana, USA 1998
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New Consise Edition. Edited by Michael Walsh. Burns & Oates. Revised edition 1991, reprint 1995.
Butler (I)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. January. Revised by Paul Burns. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1995
Butler (II)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. February. Revised by Paul Burns. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1998
Butler (III)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. March. Revised by Teresa Rodrigues OSB. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1999
Butler (IV)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. April. Revised by Peter Doyle. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1999
Butler (V)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. May. Revised by David Hugh Farmer. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1996
Butler (VI)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. June. Revised by Kathleen Jones. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1997
Butler (VII)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. September. Revised by Sarah Fawcett Thomas. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 2000
Butler (VIII)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. August. Revised by John Cumming. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1998
Butler (IX)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. July. Revised by Peter Doyle. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 2000
Butler (X)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. October. Revised by Peter Doyle. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1996
Butler (XI)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. November. Revised by Sarah Fawcett Thomas. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 1997
Butler (XII)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. New full edition. December. Revised by Kathleen Jones. Burns & Oates (England) / The Liturgical Press (USA) 2000
Butler (S1)
Butler's Lives of the Saints. The Third Millennium. Supplement of New Saints and Blesseds. Paul Burns. Burns & Oates, London 2005
Butler 1821
The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and other Principal Saints; Compiled from Original Monuments and other Authentic Records; Illustrated with the Remarks of Judicous Modern Critics and Historians. By the Rev. Alban Butler. Stereotype Edition, in Twelve Volumes. Vol. (x). London: Stereotyped and Printed by A. Wilson, Camden Town, St. Pancras, for the Publisher, John Murphy, No. 19, Howland Street, Fitzroy Square. 1821.
Butler 1836
Alban Butler: Vies des Pères, Martyrs et autres principaux Saints, tirées ses actes originaux et des monumens les plus authentiques; avec des notes historiques et critiques. Traduction: Jean-François Godescard, 1836
Butler 1866
Rev. Alban Butler: The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Other Principal Saints, Compiled from Original Monuments and Authentic Records, In Twelve Volumes, Dublin 1866
Tidligere Patron Saints SQPN (Part of the Star Quest Production Network), før det - Site author: Terry H Jones
Memmo Caporilli: The Popes. The Ecumenical Councils. The Jubilees - The Holy Years. History and Images. Euroedit, Trento 1999
Nigel Cawthorne: Sex Lives of the Popes. An irreverent exposé of the Bishops of Rome from St Peter to the present day. Prion, London 1996
The Catholic Encyclopedia (1913). Electronic version 1996 (Internett). Se også NCE (New Catholic Encyclopedia)
Historien om den kristne sivilisasjon. Owen Chadwick 1995. Norsk utgave: H. Aschehoug & Co (W. Nygaard), Oslo 1997
Chadwick 2
The Early Church. The story of emergent Christianity from the apostolic age to the dividing of the ways between the Greek East and the Latin West. The Penguin History of the Church 1. Revised edition (Penguin Books, London 1993) (First edition 1967)
Bishop Challoner: Memoirs of Missionary Priests: And Other Catholics of Both Sexes, That Have Suffered Death in England On Religious Accounts, from the Year 1577 to 1684, Volumes 1-2. Published by John T. Green, 1839, reproduction 2010 (original: 1741).
The Book of Christian Martyrs. Bruno Chenu, Claude Prud'homme, France Quéré og Jean-Claude Thomas. SCM Press Ltd, London 1990. Oversettelse av Le Livre des Martyrs Chrétiens, Éditions du Centurion, Paris 1988.
John Cornwell: Newman's Unquiet Grave: The Reluctant Saint Continuum, London 2010
The Newly Canonized Martyr-Saints of China. CRBC (The Chinese Regional Bishops Conference), Taiwan, ROC (Republic of China), 2000
F.L. Cross & E.A. Livingstone (eds.): The Oxford Dictionary og the Christian Church. Third Edition Revised. Oxford University Press, 2005
Joan Carroll Cruz: The Incorruptibles. Tan Books and Publishers, Inc, Rockford, Illinois, USA 1977
Cruz (2)
Joan Carroll Cruz: Relics. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing, Huntingdon, Indiana, USA 1994
Cruz (3)
Joan Carroll Cruz: Miraculous Images of Our Lady: 100 Famous Catholic Statues and Portraits, Tan Books and Publishers, Inc, Rockford, Illinois, USA 1993
Ludvig Daae: Norske helgener. Forlagt af Alb. Cammermeyer, Christiania, 1879.
Elizabeth Dachowski: First among Abbots. The Career of Abbo of Fleury. The Catholic University of America Press, Washington D.C, 2008
Frithiof Dahlby: Påvelängd, Studiebokförlaget AB 1962
Inga Dammer og Birgit Adam: Das große Heligen-lexikon, Seehamer Verlag, Weyarn 1999
Peter Day: Dictionary of Religious Orders. Burns and Oates, London 2001.
Delaney (1)
John H. Delaney: Dictionary of Saints. Dobleday, New York 1980.
John H. Delaney: Pocket Dictionary of Saints, abridged edition. Image books, Dobleday, New York 1983.
Del Genio
Maria Rosaria Del Genio: La Tenerezza de Dio. Madre M. Riccarda Beauchamp Hambrough, Ancora, 2013
Sr. Mary Jean Dorcy OP: St. Dominic's Family. The Lives of Over 300 Famous Dominicans. The St. Martin de Porres Lay Dominican Community, New Hope, Centucky, USA / TAN Books and Publishers, Inc., Rockford, Illinois, USA, 1964. 2nd printing 1983.
Eamon Duffy: Saints & Sinners. A History of the Popes. Yale University Press in association with S4C (Wales) 1997
Duffy 2
Eamon Duffy: Saints & Sinners. A History of the Popes. Third Edition, revised and extended. Yale University Press in association with S4C (Wales) 2006
Agnes Baillie Cunninghame Dunbar: A Dictionary of Saintly Women, Volume 1, George Bell & Sons, London, 1904
Agnes Baillie Cunninghame Dunbar: A Dictionary of Saintly Women, Volume 2, George Bell & Sons, London, 1905
The Early Church On-Line Encyclopedia (Ecole)
Mogens Eilertsen: Alle tiders bok. Til norsk ved Brynjulf Alver. Politiken/Grøndahl 1986
P. Adalbert Engelhart OSB: Helgonkalendern. Bokförlaget Catholica 1995
Omer Englebert: The Lives of the Saints. Barnes & Noble, New York, 1994
Enwogion Cymru
Enwogion Cymru. A biographical dictionary of eminent Welshmen, from the earliest times to the present, and including every name connected with the ancient history of Wale
Jörg Ernesti: Paul VI. Der vergessene Papst. Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau, 2012
Eternal World Television Network, tatt fra L'Osservatore Romanos engelske ukeutgave fra det aktuelle år/saligkåring. L'Osservatore Romano er Vatikanets offisielle avis.
David Hugh Farmer: The Oxford Dictionary of Saints. Third edition. Oxford University Press 1992.
Fitzgerald Johnson
Scott Fitzgerald Johnson (ed.): The Oxford Handbook of Late Antiquity, Oxford University Press, New York 2012.
L. Gonzaga da Fonseca: Maria-aabenbaringen i Fátima. Et budskap til vor tid. Sankt Ansgars forlag, København 1943.
Forty Four
The Forty Four Martyrs of the Venerable English College, Rome. Saint Michael's Abbey Press, Farnborough, Hampshire 2000
Franzen/Bäumer: Papst-geschichte. 2. utg 1978
Tue Gad: Helgener. Legender fortalt i Norden. Rhodos, København, 1971
Jim Gallagher: Pater Pio. St. Olav forlag, Oslo 2006 (original: Padre Pio, Catholic Truth Society)
De kristne (The Christians). Bamber Gascoigne 1977. Norsk utgave: Grøndahl & Sønn, Oslo, 1978
Sheridan Gilley: Newman and His Age Darton, Longman, Todd, London, 1990, reissued 2003
Erhard Gorys: Lexikon der Heiligen, Deutscher Taschenbuch Verlag, München 1997 (2. opplag 1998)
Victor J. Green: Festivals and Saints Days. Blanford Press Ltd UK 1978 (reprint 1983)
Michael A. Green: The Saints of Canterbury and Kent. Janus Publishing Company, London, England 1995
Pave Gregor den store: Samtaler. Oversatt av Dom Filip Dahl OCart, Thorleif Dahls kulturbibliotek, 2014
Carl Grimberg: Menneskenes liv og historie. Cappelen/Den norske Bokklubben. 5./ 6. utgave 1979/91
Erik Gunnes: Klosterliv i vesten. Aschehoug 1986.
Gunnes 2
Erik Gunnes: Erkebiskop Øystein. Statsmann og kirkebygger. Aschehoug 1996.
Sr. Anne Bente Hadland o.p.: Den hellige Katarina av Siena. Hefte, udatert
Elizabeth Hallam: Saints. Over 150 Patron saints for Today. Weidenfeld og Nicolson, London 1994
Stefanie Hamann: St Fursa, the genealogy of an Irish saint - the historical person and his cult. Monumenta Germanae Historica, Munich, 2011
Alexander Haydon: Edmund Campion, Catholic Truth Society, 2003
Dr. Thomas F. Head (1956-2014): Hagiography and the Cult of Saints: The Diocese of Orléans, 800-1200, Cambridge University Press, 2008
Peter Hebblethwaite: The Next Pope. Harper Collins, London 1995
Hebblethwaite 2
Peter Hebblethwaite: Paul VI - The First Modern Pope. Harper Collins, London 1993
Victor Hoagland CP: The Book of Saints. The Lives of the Saints According to the Liturgical Calendar. The Regina Press, New York 1986
Holböck (1)
Ferdinand Holböck: Die neuen Heiligen der katolischen Kirche. Von Papst Johannes Paul II. in den Jahren 1979 bis 1983 kanonisierte Selige und Heilige. Band 1. Christiana Verlag, Stein am Rhein, Sveits 1990.
Holböck (2)
Ferdinand Holböck: Die neuen Heiligen der katolischen Kirche. Von Papst Johannes Paul II. in den Jahren 1984 bis 1987 kanonisierte Selige und Heilige. Band 2. Christiana Verlag, Stein am Rhein, Sveits 1992.
Holböck (3)
Ferdinand Holböck: Die neuen Heiligen der katolischen Kirche. Von Papst Johannes Paul II. in den Jahren 1988 bis 1991 kanonisierte Selige und Heilige. Band 3. Christiana Verlag, Stein am Rhein, Sveits 1994.
Holböck (4)
Ferdinand Holböck: Die neuen Heiligen der katolischen Kirche. Von Papst Johannes Paul II. in den Jahren 1992 bis 1995 kanonisierte Selige und Heilige. Band 4. Christiana Verlag, Stein am Rhein, Sveits 2000.
Polens Kirke gennem 1000 år. Helmut Holzapfel. Katolsk Forlag, København 1980. Oversatt fra Tausend Jahre Kirche Polens, Würzburg 1966.
Kardinal George Basil Hume OSB OM: Footprints of the Nothern Saints. Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd, London 1996
Niels Christian Hvidt: Mirakler. Møder mellem himmel og jord. Gyldendal, København 2002.
Abbé L. Laplace: The Life of Blessed Mother Marie of Jesus Deluil-Marttiny. Abridged and adaption by Michael C. Hutchings, Glencoe McGraw-Hill. Woodland Hills, California 2003.
Helligkåringskongregasjonens Index ac Status Causarum, utgitt 1999
FlashPress-Infocatho, Informations religieuses
Katarina Johansson: Tolv svenska helgon. Sankt Eriks Bokförlag 1999.
Paul Johnson: The Papacy. Weidenfeld & Nicolson, London 1997
John Jolliffe (ed.): English Catholic Heroes Gracewing, Leominster, 2008
Alison Jones: The Wordsworth Dictionary of Saints. Wordsworth editions Ltd, 1994.
Kathleen Jones: Women Saints. Lives of Faith and Courage. Burns and Oates, England / John Garratt Publishing, Australia 1999
Steinar M. Kaas: 1990 Universalalmanakk. Cappelen 1989
Paul Keane: The Martyr's Crown: Rome and the English Church, Family Publications, Oxford 2009
J. N. D. Kelly (John Norman Davidson) (1909–1997): The Oxford Dictionary of Popes, Oxford University Press 1986; ny utgave 2006 med tillegg av Michael Walsh (pavene Johannes Paul II og Benedikt XVI)
James Kelly: The Forty Martyrs of England and Wales. Gabriel Communications Ltd, Manchester 2005
Ian Ker: John Henry Newman: A Biography, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1988, reissued 2009
James Kiefer's Christian Biographies
KIR (Katherine I. Rabenstein)
Katherine I. Rabenstein's Index of Saints
John W. Kiser: The Monks of Tibhirine. Faith, Love, and Terror in Algeria, St. Martin's Press, New York 2002
Per Kværne og Kari Vogt: Kunnskapsforlagets Religionsleksikon, Aschehoug/Gyldendal 1992
The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Anglo-Saxon England, edited by Michael Lapidge, with John Blair, Simon Keynes and Donald Scragg, Blackwell Publishing, Malden (US) / Oxford (UK), 1999
The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Edited by Elizabeth A. Livingstone. Oxford University Press 1977, reissued 1996.
Liber Pontificalis (Paveboken) er en samling pavebiografier fra apostelen Peter til Pius II. Det er nå allment anerkjent at den eldste delen er fra begynnelsen av 400-tallet tallet, senere utvidet og ajourført. Når det gjelder de første århundrene, stoler den på Den liberianske katalog. Mens mye av materialet, spesielt i den eldste delen, er apokryft, er verket hovedsakelig basert på verdifulle kilder, og selv om det ofte er tendensiøst, er det uunnværlig for pavedømmets historie. Den nåværende utgaven ble gitt ut av L. Duchesne i Paris i 1886-92.
Enzo Lodi (adapted by Jordan Aumann, O.P.): Saints of the Roman Calendar, including Feasts Proper to the English-Speaking World, New York, 1992.
Saint Martin de Porres. Rev. Lawrence G. Lovasik SVD. Catholic Book Publishing Co, New York 1983
Herder Lexikon für Theologie und Kirche 1957-65
Tryggve Lundén: Svenska helgon. Samtliga svenska helgon presenteras. 61 kvinnor och män från alla samhällsklasser och från hela Sverige. Illustrerad. Verbum, Stockholm 1973 (andra utökade upplagan).
Sergio Luzzatto: Padre Pio: Miracles and Politics in a Secular Age, Metropolitan Books, 2010 (italiensk original 2007)
Carl Henrik Martling: En svensk helgonkrönika. Artos forlag, Skellefteå 2001.
Robin Mackintosh: Augustine of Canterbury. Leadership, mission and legacy. Canterbury press, Norwich 2013.
P.G. Maxwell-Stuart: Pavene. Pavedømmet gjennom 2000 år. Thames and Hudson, London 1997. Norsk utgave: Forsythia forlag 1998
Jean Olwen Maynard: The Atlas Martyrs. Catholic Truth Society, London 1999 (Revised 2010)
Richard P. McBrien: Lives of the Popes. Harper Collins (Harper San Francisco) 1997
McGrath (1)
Fergal McGrath SJ: Father John Sullivan SJ. Irish Messenger Publications, Dublin 1942
McGrath (2)
Fergal McGrath SJ: More Memories of Father John Sullivan. Irish Messenger Publications, Dublin 1976
Erna und Hans Melchers: Das große Buch der Heiligen. Geschichte und Legende im Jahreslauf. Südwest Verlag 1978, 12. opplag 1991
Thomas Merton OCSO: The Waters of Siloe. Harcourt, Brace and Company, New York 1949
Paolo Molinari SJ: The Canonization of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales, A Commemoration Presented by the Postulators of the Cause. Office of the Vice-Postulation, London 1970
Thomas J. Morrissey SJ: John Sullivan SJ, Where Two Traditions Meet, The Columba Press, Blackrock, Dublin 2009, Revised Edition, 2013
Martyrologium Romanum fra 1956, latin/spansk, på nettstedet
Martyrologium Romanum, Ex decreto Sacrosancti Œcumenici Concilii Vaticani II instauratum auctoritate Ioannis Pauli PP. II promulgatum, Editio Altera, Typis Vaticanis A.D. MMIV
Peter Mullen: Shrines of Our Lady: A Guide to Fifty of the Wold's Most Famous Marian Shrines. Judy Piatkus Publishers Ltd, London, 1998
Klara Mørkeset: Den hellige Birgitta og hennes verk, UNKF (nå NUK) 1997 (Maximilian Kolbe utgivelser)
New Catholic Encyclopedia, 2003 ©The Gale Group Inc. (
R.P. Nettelhorst: 100 skikkelser fra Bibelen. Orion forlag, Oslo, 2008 (Original: The Bible's Most Fascinating People), Quattro Publishing, 2008
Nordahl 1
Helge Nordahl: Den hellige Birgitta. Aschehoug forlag, Oslo, 1997
Nordahl 2
Helge Nordahl: Syv birgittinere. Emilia forlag, Oslo 2003
John Julius Norwich: The Popes - A History, Vintage Books, London, 2011
Oxford Dictionary of National Biography, Oxford University Press, Sept 2004; online edition, Jan 2008
John O’Hanlon: Lives of the Irish Saints (full tittel: Lives of the Irish Saints: with special festivals, and the commemorations of holy persons), ni bind, Dublin, 1875-1905
Vincent J. O'Malley CM: Saints of North America, Our Sunday Visitor, Huntington, Indiana, 2004
L'Osservatore Romanos engelske ukeutgave
Orkneyinga Saga
Orkneyinga Saga: The History of the Earls of Orkney, translated by Hermann Pálsson and Paul Edwards, Penguin Classics 1981
Ó Riain
Pádraig Ó Riain: A Dictionary of Irish Saints, Four Courts Press, Dublin, 2011
Patron Saints SQPN
Part of the Star Quest Production Network. (se: CatholicSaints.Info)
Nigel Pennick: The Celtic Saints. An illustrated and authoritative guide to these extraordinary men and women, Thorsons, London 1997
William C. Piercy og Henry Wace, A Dictionary of Christian biography, literature, sects and doctrines (1911)
Fr Zef Pllumi: Live to Tell, A True Story of Religious Persecution in Communist Albania, V 1, 1944-51, iUniverse, Inc, New York, 2008
Kjell Arild Pollestad: 17. mai i Samarkand. Cappelen Forlag, Oslo 1988
Donald Prudlo, The Assassin-Saint: The Life and Cult of Carino of Balsamo, The Catholic Historical Review, Vol. 94, No. 1, January 2008, pp. 1–21 (hentet fra
Malcolm Pullan: The Lives and Times of the Forty Martyrs of England and Wales 1535-1680. Second Edition, Revised and Enlarged, New Generation Publishing, 2013
Rice Rees (1804-39): An essay on the Welsh saints (or the primitive Christians, usually considered to have been the founders of the churches in Wales), Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman, London, 1836
Christopher Rengers OFMCap (1917-2010): The 35 Doctors of the Church: Revised Edition, with two new chapters by Dr. Matthew E. Bunson KHS, TAN Books, Charlotte, North Carolina, 2014
Resch (B1)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: I beati di Giovanni Paolo II. Volume I 1979-1985. Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2000
Resch (B2)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: I beati di Giovanni Paolo II. Volume II 1986-1990. Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2002
Resch (B3)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: I beati di Giovanni Paolo II. Volume III 1991-1995. Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2003
Resch (B4)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: I beati di Giovanni Paolo II. Volume IV 1996-2000. Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2004
Resch (MS1)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Miracoli dei Santi. Volume I 1983-1995. Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2002
Resch (BT1)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Die Seligen Johannes Pauls II. Band I 1979-1985. Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2000
Resch (BT2)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Die Seligen Johannes Pauls II. Band II 1986-1990 Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2005
Resch (BT3)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Die Seligen Johannes Pauls II. Band III 1991-1995 Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2008
Resch (BT4)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Die Seligen Johannes Pauls II. Band IV 1996-2000 Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2010
Resch (BT5)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Die Seligen Johannes Pauls II. Band V 2001-2004 Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2015
Resch (MBT1)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Wunder der Seligen. Band I 1983-1990. Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 1999
Resch (MBT2)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Wunder der Seligen. Band II 1991-1995. Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2007
Resch (MST)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: Wunder der Heiligen. 1983-1995. Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2017
Resch (S1)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: I santi di Giovanni Paolo II. 1982-2004 Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2009
Resch (ST1)
P. Andreas Resch CSsR: De Heiligen Johannes Pauls II. 1982-2004 Resch Verlag, Innsbruck 2012
Resch (ST2)
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