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Biskop Bernt Eidsvig er utnevnt til apostolisk administrator av Trondheim stift for fem nye år. |
Den apostoliske nuntius til de nordiske land, erkebiskop Emil Paul Tscherrig, meddeler på vegne av kardinal Giovanni Battista Re, prefekt for Kongregasjonen for biskoper, at biskop Bernt Eidsvig utnevnes som administrator for Trondheim stift for fem nye år fra 1. juli 2010. Biskop Eidsvig ble utnevnt til apostolisk administrator den 8. juni 2009, etter biskop Müllers avgang.
Erkebiskop Tscherrigs meddelelse av 2. juni 2010 lyder som følger:
Your Excellency,
During the ad limina visit of March 2010 you have also discussed with his Eminence Cardinal Giovanni Battista Re, Prefect of the Congregation for Bishops, the situation in the Prelature of Trondheim and how to proceed in its pastoral administration.
On behalf of the Prefect of the Congregation of Bishops I now wish to inform you that, after having examined the different proposals, the Congregation has decided to extend your term of office as Apostolic Administrator for five more years, as from July 1, 2010.
This soultion shuld favor the healing of the wounds of the past and renew the spirit of unity and communion among the members of the Church in Trondheim. Moreover, the coming years should also enable you to proceed with the planned reconstruction of the Cathedral Church of the Prelature.
Expressing to you my gratitude for accepting this additional responsibility, it is my prayer that priests, religious and all faithful may unite around you and support you in the important pastoral mission which the Holy Father has entrusted you.
Imploring on you and the Church in Trondheim all God's blessings, I remain
Fraternally yours in Christ
+ Emil P. Tscherrig
Apostolic Nuntio
KI - Katolsk Informasjonstjeneste (Oslo) (4. juni 2010)