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Publisert 8. april 2009 | Oppdatert 8. april 2009

Åtte redningsarbeidere sendt av Den hellige stol etter godkjennelse av Paven, har siden mandag samarbeidet for å hjelpe ofrene etter jordskjelvet i Abruzzo-regionen.

Redningtsteamet samarbeider med de italienske myndigheters nødhjelpsorganisasjon.

Under onsdagens generalaudiens på Petersplassen, uttrykte Pave Benedikt XVI sin "spirituelle nærhet" til ofrene, og uttalte:

"The promptness with which the authorities, security forces, volunteers and other workers are helping these our brothers and sisters shows how important solidarity is in order to overcome such difficult trials together. Once again I wish to tell those dear people that the Pope shares their suffering and concerns. Dear friends, as soon as possible I hope to come and visit you. Know that the Pope prays for everyone, imploring the Lord's mercy for the deceased, and the maternal comfort of Mary and the support of Christian hope for survivors and families."

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