
Publisert 29. november 2009
Oppdatert 26. april 2019
Pave Johannes Paul IIs reise til Ukraina 23.-27. juni 2001 var hans 94. utenlandsreise.
2001-08-06 14:33 Ukraine See First Fruits of the Papal Visit

2001-08-06 13:41 51 Prozent der Ukrainer beurteilen Papstbesuch positiv

2001-07-11 11:27 Ukrainian Envoy to Vatican Hails Papal Visit

2001-07-10 09:34 Between the Lines of the Ukraine Visit

2001-07-10 09:34 Ukrainian Ambassador Reflects On Historic Papal Visit

2001-07-09 10:21 Husar erhofft Besserung der katholisch-orthodoxen Beziehungen

2001-07-09 10:18 Papst: Ukraine ist Brücke zwischen getrennten Kirchen

2001-07-06 10:02 Catholic-Orthodox Ties Will Improve, Husar Says

2001-07-05 10:17 John Paul II Recalls Key Moments in Ukraine

2001-07-04 10:28 Russians Impressed With Pope During His Ukraine Trip

2001-07-02 11:58 Ukraine a Step Toward Re-evangelizing Europe, Pope Says

2001-06-29 13:39 Interview: Rector of Lviv´s Theological Academy, on Papal Visit

2001-06-29 13:38 A Ukrainian Bishop Who Kept His Work Secret

2001-06-28 15:50 Unity and Harmony: The Secret of True Peace and Progress

2001-06-28 15:45 Der Papst hat im Osten noch Einiges vor

2001-06-28 15:44 Katholiken in Russland drängen zunehmend auf Papstbesuch

2001-06-28 15:44 Kasper: Tür zur russischen Orthodoxie nicht zugeschlagen

2001-06-28 15:43 Mehrheit zufrieden über Papstvisite

2001-06-28 09:47 Interview: Director of Kiev´s Mohyla Academy Views Papal Trip

2001-06-28 09:46 Document: Pope´s Farewell Address at Lviv Airport

2001-06-28 09:45 Document: Papal Homily at Divine Liturgy With Beatifications

2001-06-28 09:42 Ukraine Visit Ends on a Note of Unity

2001-06-28 09:42 Crucified, Boiled, Tortured or Poisoned for the Faith

2001-06-28 09:41 One Million Attend Beatification Mass in Ukraine

2001-06-28 09:40 Ukrainian Orthodox Bodies May Merge, Defy Moscow

2001-06-27 23:57 To skismatiske ortodokse kirker kan forene seg mot Moskva

2001-06-27 21:42 Orthodox Archpriest Joins Papal Ceremony

2001-06-27 21:41 Pope Concludes Historic Trip To Ukraine

2001-06-27 21:40 Papal Meeting for 500.000 Lviv Youth (27. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 21:40 One Million Attend As Pope Beatifies Ukraine Martyrs (27. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 19:51 Greetings of His Beatitude Cardinal Lubomyr Husar (27. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 19:39 Papst beendet Besuch der Ukraine

2001-06-27 15:05 Lemberg: Papst spricht Märtyrer der Kirchenverfolgung selig

2001-06-27 15:00 Kasper: Papstreise in die Ukraine hat der Ökumene genützt

2001-06-27 14:57 28 Ukrainian Martyrs Beatified Before 1 Million Faithful (27. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 14:56 The Ten Commandments: First Step to Freedom and Eternal Life (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 14:52 Tränen und Jubel bei der letzten Papstmesse in der Ukraine

2001-06-27 14:51 Ukraine: Schismatische Kirchen streben Einigung an

2001-06-27 14:50 Ukraine: Blinde Attentatsdrohung gegen den Papst

2001-06-27 10:07 Document: Homily at Mass of Beatification at Lviv Hippodrome (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 10:06 Document: Papal Address to Young People in Lviv (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 10:03 Constantinople Might Recognize Ukrainian Schisms (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 10:02 Canadian Bishops Praise Papal Visit to Ukraine (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 09:59 Turning the Other Cheek to the Orthodox (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 09:58 "Go Against the Current," Pope Tells Youths (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-27 09:57 Pope Beatifies 2, Calls for Unity Among Slavic Peoples (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 23:58 Greeting addressed to his Holiness Pope John Paul II from youth and Christian youth organizations of Ukraine (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 23:57 Greeting of His Holiness Pope John Paul II from young Ukrainian families (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 23:56 Greeting for his Holiness John Paul II from Ukrainian Greek Catholic youth (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 23:55 Holy Father Blesses Ukrainian Catholic University (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 18:40 Papst warnt Jugendliche vor Auswanderung

2001-06-26 17:46 Moskauer Patriarch: Eine Vergebungsbitte allein genügt nicht

2001-06-26 17:44 Papal Arrival in Lviv (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 17:43 Pope Beatifies Ukrainians Before Large Crowd (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 17:33 Første saligkåring i Ukrainas historie

2001-06-26 16:46 Kardinal Husar sieht Papstbesuch in der Ukraine als Erfolg

2001-06-26 14:59 Pope Presides At First Beatifications In Ukraine History (26. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 13:57 Pope Welcomed To Ukrainian Catholic Stronghold (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 13:54 Hunderttausende Ukrainer und Polen jubeln dem Papst zu

2001-06-26 13:53 Papst mahnt Polen und Ukrainer zu Aussöhnung

2001-06-26 13:52 Ukrainisches Fernsehen kritisiert Moskauer Patriarchat

2001-06-26 12:47 Høyt spill i Ukraina

2001-06-26 08:20 Document: Papal Homily at Divine Liturgy Near Kiev (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 08:19 John Paul II Visits Ravine Where Jews Were Massacred (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 08:18 Ukraine Can Be Model for Christian Unity, Pope Says (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-26 08:17 With Pope John Paul II In Ukraine (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:40 Ukrainian Catholic Analysizes Russian Attitude (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:39 Orthodox Priest Explains Splits In His Church (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:38 Papal Spokesman Explains Church-State Talks In Ukraine (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:37 Pope Pursues Unity In Ukraine (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:36 Greetings of his Beatitude Cardinal Lubomyr Husar to his Holiness Pope John Paul II (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:34 Pope Praises Exemplary Relations Between Ukrainian Catholic Churches (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:33 Document: Ukraine - Kyjiv - 25.06.2001. Chayka Airport. Divine Liturgy (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 19:31 Pope Encourages a Plurality of Traditions (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 15:46 Johannes Paul II. betete an jüdischer Gedenkstätte Babij Jar

2001-06-25 15:45 Der Konflikt mit Moskau bremst den Papst in Kiew nicht (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 15:44 Papst ruft von der Ukraine aus alle Christen zur Einheit auf (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 15:43 «Ut Unum Sint - That They May All Be One!» (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 15:42 Pope Asks That Full Communion Be Achieved As Soon As Possible (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 15:41 To Ukrainian Bishops: Build Unity In Diversity (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 15:40 John the Baptist, A Model of Fidelity To God And His Law (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 15:39 Meeting With Representatives of Politics, Culture and Business (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:33 Interview: Cardinal Husar Tells Why Trip Was a Long Time Coming (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:32 Document: Address to Pan-Ukrainian Council of Churches (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:31 Document: Address to Members of Ukrainian Catholic Episcopate (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:30 Document: Discourse Before Angelus at End of Mass (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:29 Document: Homily at Latin-rite Mass at Airfield (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:28 Document: Address to Political, Scientific and Business Leaders (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:26 Document: Papal Prayer at Greek-Catholic Church of St. Nicholas (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:25 Document: Address at Welcoming Ceremony at Kiev Airport (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:20 Hotel Rooms Hard to Come By in Kiev and Lviv (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:19 Lviv, Symbol of Catholic Martyrdom (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:18 Muslims and Jew Applaud Visit (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:16 Pope Hails Ukraine´s Victims of Persecutions (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:12 Kiew: Papst gedachte bei Ökumene-Treffen der ermordeten Juden (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-25 10:11 Kardinal Kasper: Versöhnungsbitte an Orthodoxie öffnet neuen Weg (25. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 21:24 Papst würdigt die ukrainische Märtyrer-Kirche (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 21:20 Greetings Cardinal Husar at the meeting with the Ukrainian Council of churches (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 21:17 Greetings of his Beatitude Cardinal Lubomyr Husar to his Holiness (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 20:03 Pope Celebrates Ukrainian Mass with International Emphasis (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 16:24 John Paul II Arrives in Ukraine at Start of 94th Foreign Trip (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 16:17 Pope Arrives In Ukraine (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 16:13 Historisches Ereignis mit Teilnahmern aus ganz Osteuropa (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 16:11 Papst: Ökumene ist Priorität für Kirche in der Ukraine (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 16:10 Papst-Appell zum Aufbau eines «friedlichen Landes» (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 16:09 Papst würdigt die ukrainische Märtyrer-Kirche (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 14:55 Pope Encourages Ukrainian Leaders to Build a Civilization of Love (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 14:54 Pope Entrusts Ukrainian Trip to the Mother of God (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 14:50 Pope John Paul II in Ukraine: "I Come as a Brother" (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 14:47 Background on the Catholic and Orthodox Churches in Ukraine (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 14:43 Deutliche Worte des Papstes in der Ukraine (24. juni 2001)
2001-06-24 14:42 Papst bittet bei Ankunft Orthodoxie um Vergebung (23. juni 2001)
2001-06-23 09:42 Statistics of Ukrainian Catholic Church (22. juni 2001)
2001-06-23 09:41 John Paul II´s Itinerary Outlined (22. juni 2001)
2001-06-23 09:41 A Country Struggling Toward the Future (22. juni 2001)
2001-06-23 09:40 Atheists May Hear a Special Word From the Pope (22. juni 2001)
2001-06-23 09:39 Most of Ukraine Is Poised to Welcome John Paul II (22. juni 2001)
2001-06-23 09:30 Moskauer Patriarch verurteilt erneut Papstbesuch in der Ukraine (22. juni 2001)
2001-06-23 09:29 Leid und Tod von Millionen sind die große Klammer (22. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 10:13 Papst bricht am Samstag zu einer seiner heikelsten Reisen auf (21. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 10:12 Auf halbem Weg nach Moskau (21. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 10:02 Papst: Ukraine-Reise gilt den Katholiken und der Ökumene (20. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:45 What To Expect When John Paul II Visits Ukraine (21. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:41 Pope Awaits Ukraine Trip With «Great Hope» (20. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:39 Ukraine Bishop Worries Too Much Security For Pope's Visit (19. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:31 Moscow Fears Pope Could Help Unite Schismatic Orthodox (21. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:29 Upcoming Beatifications Recall "Silent Church" of Ukraine (20. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:26 Orthodox Prelate Anxious for Papal Visit to Ukraine (21. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:19 Pope sets Goals for Ukraine Visit (20. juni 2001)
2001-06-22 09:16 Lviv Cardinal Defends Papal Trip (19. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:34 Pope Says Ukraine Trip Is to Promote Christian Unity (17. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:33 Ukrainian Catholic Leader Defends Papal Visit (15. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:33 Christian Contribution To Ukraine Democracy (15. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:32 Papal Visit to Ukraine Is for Peace, Not Politics, Aide Says (15. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:31 Pope Donates Equipment to Kiev Children's Hospital (12. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:30 2 Million Expected at Papal Events in Ukraine (11. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:30 Moscow Patriarch Renews Complaints On Ukraine (11. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:27 Papstreise in die Ukraine "Beitrag zu Frieden und Versöhnung" (15. juni 2001)
2001-06-18 17:24 Papst stiftet Operationssaal für Tschernobyl-Kinder (13. juni 2001)
2001-06-11 15:08 Ukraine Orthodox Priests Protest Pope Visit (7. juni 2001)
2001-06-04 14:46 Papal Trip to Ukraine Defended as "Pastoral" (31. mai 2001)
2001-06-04 14:22 Ukraine: Moskau und Konstantinopel nahmen Lokalaugenschein vor (1. juni 2001)
2001-06-04 14:21 Patriarch Aleksij: Kein Treffen Papst - Metropolit Wolodymir (1. juni 2001)
2001-06-04 14:17 Husar: Ukrainer sind nicht papstfeindlich (31. mai 2001)
2001-05-30 09:50 Moskaus Erzbischof bedauert Nein Aleksijs zu Treffen mit Papst in Ukraina (29. mai 2001)
2001-05-28 23:47 Report: Pope May Announce Ukrainian Patriarchate (28. mai 2001)
2001-05-28 17:24 Vatikan: Orthodoxe missverstehen Ukraine-Reise des Papstes (26. mai 2001)
2001-05-28 13:52 Ukraine: Hoffnung auf ökumenisches Tauwetter durch Papstreise (25. mai 2001)
2001-05-28 13:45 Ukraine Seen as Bridge Between East and West (25. mai 2001)
2001-05-28 13:44 Press Conference On Pope's Pastoral Visit To Ukraine (25. mai 2001)
2001-05-22 13:10 Most Ukrainians Favor Papal Visit, Surveys Say (21. mai 2001)
2001-05-21 19:33 Lviv Youth Prepare for Papal Rally (16. mai 2001)
2001-05-21 15:48 Demonstration gegen Papstbesuch in der Ukraine (18. mai 2001)
2001-05-18 10:06 Ecumenical Meeting on Agenda for Ukraine Visit (17. mai 2001)
2001-05-18 10:04 Pope's Schedule For June Visit To Ukraine (17. mai 2001)
2001-05-17 19:28 Ukraine Looks Forward to Pope, Journalist Says (16. mai 2001)
2001-05-17 19:25 Vatikan veröffentlicht Programm der Papstreise in die Ukraine (17. mai 2001)
2001-05-14 09:30 1,000 Protest in Moscow Against Papal Visit to Ukraine (13. mai 2001)
2001-05-10 20:17 Lemberg: Keine Pläne zur Zerstörung einer orthodoxen Kapelle (10. mai 2001)
2001-05-06 12:52 Fast jeder zweite Ukrainer begrüßt Papstbesuch (6. mai 2001)
2001-05-01 11:58 Ukraine Catholic Leader Hopes For Breakthrough Papal Trip (30. april 2001)
2001-04-30 18:57 Pope Responds to Ukrainian Orthodox Opposition (27. april 2001)
2001-04-30 18:48 John Paul II Sends Letter to Ukrainian Metropolitan (26. april 2001)
2001-04-30 18:37 Ukraine-Reise: Papst antwortet orthodoxem Metropoliten (26. april 2001)
2001-04-30 18:34 Papst spricht in Lemberg voraussichtlich 27 Märtyrer selig (25. april 2001)
2001-04-25 14:26 Ukrainian Martyrs to Be Beatified During Papal Visit in June (24. april 2001)
2001-04-19 09:36 Papst lud Kiewer orthodoxen Metropoliten zu Osterfeiern in Rom ein (11. april 2001)
2001-04-19 09:34 Ukrainebesuch: Papst schreibt orthodoxem Metropoliten von Kiew (10. april 2001)
2001-04-19 09:28 Außenminister: Ukraine-Besuch des Papstes "politisch wichtig" (3. april 2001)
2001-04-19 08:52 Moscow Ponders Independence for Ukrainian Church (18. april 2001)
2001-04-19 08:18 Russian Patriarch Faults Vatican on Pope's Ukraine Visit (11. april 2001)
2001-04-19 08:17 Ukraine Trip Is Ecumenical, Insists John Paul II (10. april 2001)
2001-04-19 08:16 Pope Responds To Ukrainian Orthodox Message (10. april 2001)
2001-04-19 08:15 Russian Officials Wary of Papal Trip To Ukraine (2. april 2001)
2001-04-01 21:26 Patriarch Aleksij: Verstärkte Spannungen mit Rom zu befürchten (30. mars 2001)
2001-03-30 10:06 Protest gegen geplanten Papstbesuch in der Ukraine (28. mars 2001)
2001-03-26 10:46 Entspannungssignale im Kirchen-Konflikt um die Ukraine (23. mars 2001)
2001-03-21 16:34 Ukraine-Reise "schwierigste Pastoralvisite des Papstes" (20. mars 2001)
2001-03-19 09:42 Ukraine erwartet Besuch des Ökumenischen Patriarchen (18. mars 2001)
2001-03-19 09:36 "Patriarch" Filaret setzt auf Papstbesuch in der Ukraine (16. mars 2001)
2001-03-19 09:28 Ukraine Could Be a Hard Trip for John Paul II (18. mars 2001)
2001-03-15 20:05 Ukrainian Orthodox Leader Welcomes Papal Visit (15. mars 2001)
2001-03-15 20:00 Universities' Icon of Virgin Mary Arrives in Ukraine (12. mai 2000)
2001-03-14 13:46 Positivt økumenisk signal i Ukraina (9. mars 2001)
2001-03-10 09:57 Rising Catholicism Irks Far-Right Russian (9. mars 2001)
2001-02-26 14:38 Papstbesuch in der Ukraine soll Brücken bauen (26. februar 2001)
2001-02-02 16:14 Kardinalutnevnelsene styrker katolikkenes stilling (30. januar 2001)
2000-10-24 13:24 Planer om pavebesøk i juni 2001 (20. oktober 2000)
1998-06-07 17:34 Vatikanbesøk minsker ikke spenningen mellom katolikker og ortodokse (5. juni 1998)
1999-02-18 17:10 Pavebesøk i høst? (9. februar 1999)
2000-12-05 15:29 Datoene for pavebesøket bekreftet (30. november 2000)
2001-02-06 10:52 Gresk-katolikker ute i kulden på Krim (2. februar 2001)
2001-02-06 10:51 Katolsk menighet går til menneskerettighetsdomstolen (30. januar 2001)
1999-05-05 14:34 Uavhengig patriark angrepet (30. april 1999)
2001-02-02 15:41 Ny ukrainsk-katolsk leder valgt og godkjent (26. januar 2001)